Book Recommendation - The Winter Rose

 One of my favorite dual timeline/WWII authors is Melanie Dobson. She writes such beautiful story-lines and this one was no different. This may actually be my favorite of hers. It definitely ranks in the top 3 favorites for this year. This book follows Grace Tonquin in the historical timeline, who is an American Quaker, working in France to save Jewish children from the Nazi regime. In the modern day timeline, we follow Addie Hoult, who is searching for the Tonquin family to save her friend Charlie. Both women's story-lines are heart-rending, but filled with hope. The message of the gospel shines brightly in this novel and the characters are easy to love. The story had me turning pages readily to see what would happen next. This is one to definitely add to your list of books to read!

Here's the back cover blurb:

In this gripping split-time novel, Grace Tonquin is an American Quaker woman who works tirelessly in Vichy France to rescue Jewish children from the Nazis. After crossing the treacherous Pyrenees, Grace returns home to Oregon with a brother and sister whose parents were lost during the war. Though Grace and her husband love Elias and Marguerite as their own, echoes of Grace's past and trauma from the Holocaust tear the Tonquin family apart.

More than fifty years after they disappear, Addie Hoult arrives at Tonquin Lake, hoping to find the Tonquin family. For Addie, the mystery is a matter of life and death for her beloved mentor Charlie, who is battling a genetic disease. Though Charlie refuses to discuss his ties to the elusive Tonquins, finding them is the only way to save his life and mend the wounds from his broken past.

This book releases January 11, 2022, wherever books are sold. Make sure to watch for it! For additional information, check out the following links:

Melanie Dobson's website:

Melanie Dobson's facebook page:

My full 5-star review:


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