
Showing posts from March, 2019

Book Recommendation - Beauty in Flight Trilogy

If you know anything about me and my reading habits, you know that my genre of choice has always been suspense. A couple of years ago through a Booksweeps giveaway (I think), I discovered Indie romantic suspense author Robin Patchen. After reading several of her books and corresponding with her, I found myself a member of her street team, which is a job I absolutely love! It also meant that when this series came out, I got a first peek. Since the books build on each other and the first 2 end on a bit of a cliffhanger, I'm glad I didn't have to wait (even though the release dates were relatively close together regardless). The first book, Beauty in Flight released January 22, 2019. Beauty in Hiding (book 2) releases March 12, 2019 and Beauty in Battle (book 3) releases April 9, 2019. This is a series that builds on each book, so you really do need to read all of the books in order. This series follows Harper Cloud. Through a series of mistakes, she found herself in jail. Aft

Book Recommendation - Of Fire and Lions

One of the genres I've recently truly come to love is Biblical Historical fiction. I love how an author can dig in their research into the details of culture and context and bring a story to life for me. As a side note, this does NOT replace scripture reading for me - by any means. But it enlivens it for me. When I next come across the passage covered in the book while I'm reading my Bible, new details stand out to me, and I can picture the scenes and the characters better - because it's been brought to life. One of my favorite books in this genre is Mesu Andrews' new release, Of Fire and Lions (which releases today!), which tells the story of Daniel. Daniel is a pretty short book in the Bible and those of us who have been in church since we were tikes have always known the story of Daniel and the Lions Den. But there was so much more to his story that led up to that time. And with the book being so short, I've always read the timeframe as being short. But he live