Monday, August 22, 2022

Book Recommendation - Worthy of Legend


When I want to enjoy a historical romance that includes mystery and intrigue as well as spiritual depth, I know I can count on Roseanna M. White. Her Secrets of the Isles series has followed  a group of friends - some of the nobility and others not - to the Scilly Islands, off the coast of Cornwall. The islands are filled with legends - many based in fact - that have brought many a treasure hunter to their shores. This series tells some of those tales. This final installment in the series includes the legend of King Arthur and the sinking of Lyonesse together in a way that is altogether believable. This book ties up the series nicely and brings closure to the characters. I also enjoy any book that includes a dog and there's a delightful puppy included in this one as well. 

Here's a bit about the book:

After a summer of successful pirate-treasure hunting, Lady Emily Scofield and her friends must hide the unprecedented discoveries they've made, thanks to the betrayal of her own family. Horrified by her brother, who stops at nothing to prove himself to their greedy father, Emily is forced to take a stand against her family--even when it means being cut off entirely.

Bram Sinclair, Earl of Telford, is fascinated with tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table--an interest he's kept mostly hidden for the last decade. But when a diary is unearthed on the islands that could lead to a secret artifact, Bram is the only one able to piece the legends together.

As Bram and Emily seek out the whereabouts of the hidden artifact, they must dodge her family and a team of archeologists. In a race against time, it is up to them to decide what makes a hero worthy of legend. Is it fighting valiantly to claim the treasure . . . or sacrificing everything in the name of selfless love?

Fans that sign up for the author's newsletter also get a bonus chapter to this book! This book releases on September 13, 2022 wherever books are sold. For more information, check out the following links:

Roseanna M. White's website:

Roseanna M. White's Facebook page:

My full 5-star review:

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