Thursday, August 20, 2020

Book Recommendation - The Shepherd's Wife


Angela Hunt is a name I have long trusted in Christian fiction and she writes various sub-genres within that genre, namely women's fiction and Biblical historical fiction. Her Biblical historical have been among my favorites in that genre. The Shepherd's Wife is book 2 in the Jerusalem Road series and runs in the same timeline as book 1, which is a bit unique in that the books don't build on each other, picking up where the previous one left off. I'll be interested in seeing how the rest of this series plays out! This book is from the perspective of the earthly sisters of Jesus (daughters of Mary and Joseph) and gave a very interesting perspective! 

Here's the synopsis:

 Yeshua of Nazareth has two sisters: Damaris, married to a wealthy merchant’s son, and Pheodora, wife of a simple shepherd from Bethlehem. When Pheodora’s husband suffers an unexpected reversal of fortune, she returns to Nazareth, where she pins her hope on two she-goats who should give birth to spotless white kids that would be perfect for the upcoming Yom Kippur sacrifice.

In the eighteen months between the kids’ birth and the opportunity to sell them and redeem her husband, Pheodora must call on her wits, her family, and her God in order to provide for her daughters and survive. But when every prayer and ritual she knows is about God’s care for Israel, how can she trust that God will hear and help a lowly shepherd’s wife?

This book releases October 6, 2020. For more information, check out the following links:

Angela Hunt's website:
Angela Hunt's facebook page:
My full 4 star review:

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