Sunday, August 30, 2020

Book Recommendation - The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus


Jaime Jo Wright is the queen of creepy dual timeline romantic suspense. I think she created this category all her own as she adds in element from everyone's favorites. You like dual timelines? Check. You like historical? Check. Contemporary? Check. Suspense? Check. Romance? Check. Gothic? Check. There's a little bit of something for everyone, and there's always a solid, but not preachy, faith thread. Her upcoming release (September 1st), The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus is no different. 

Here's a bit about the story:

The Bonaventure Circus is a refuge for many, but Pippa Ripley was rejected from its inner circle as a baby. When she receives mysterious messages from someone called the "Watchman," she is determined to find him and the connection to her birth. As Pippa's search leads her to a man seeking justice for his murdered sister and evidence that a serial killer has been haunting the circus train, she must decide if uncovering her roots is worth putting herself directly in the path of the killer.

Present Day
The old circus train depot will either be torn down or preserved for historical importance, and its future rests on real estate project manager Chandler Faulk's shoulders. As she dives deep into the depot's history, she's also balancing a newly diagnosed autoimmune disease and the pressures of single motherhood. When she discovers clues to the unsolved murders of the past, Chandler is pulled into a story far darker and more haunting than even an abandoned train depot could portend.

As I was waiting to be able to get an interview with the author, Becca-Rae Weidel from "The Becca Files" posted her interview and she had asked several of the questions I had planned to ask, so with her permission, I've copied some of her interview with author Jaime Jo Wright here:

How was the idea of Bonaventure born in your mind?

I grew up in circus city. So the circus has always been a backdrop for my life. It was a natural setting to use and I created Bonaventure so I could have some creative license versus basing it off of the Ringling Bros.

Wow, how fun!

The moment I read “Peter Pan” I knew Peter’s character was inspired by your son who you refer to as Peter Pan on social media. How similar is your son to the character you created? Did he actively help you with that creation?

My son is very similar to Peter in the story. In fact, my son actually created the Nitro Steel and Rustman characters for my book. He was pivotal in making Peter a character.

I bet he really liked being included like that!

Chandler’s character deals with Lyme disease which I know you have yourself. Can you share a little bit of your experience what it was like writing a character with similar struggles to your own? Did you find it easier or more challenging?

Well, honestly, I found it easy to write because I didn’t have to do any research. Chandler’s medical experiences in the story were pulled from my own. So, if you read hers, you’ll pretty much know what it’s like for me on a daily basis.

My heart goes out to you, because that certainly can’t be easy.

It appeared that Chandler was more afraid of people’s reaction to her disease than she was the Lyme itself. Is this something that you relate to or was that more for her character? 

Totally something I relate to. A fear is being patronized and losing credibility as a valuable and effective part of society, but also, of not being taken seriously, either. Because, after all, Lyme isn’t a visual disease that people can see its effects. Often it feels like people think I’m pretending.

I’m so sorry that you feel that way! Hopefully the more awareness for Lyme Disease that gets out there the less you will feel like that.

Chandler’s mom-heart… oh how it read like you bled your own heart onto the pages through Chandler’s. Was it challenging to be that vulnerable or did it feel more freeing that you were able to get your feelings out onto the paper? 

It wasn’t challenging for me. It was freedom to write my own emotion toward my own son. I have a fierce instinct when it comes to him and Chandler’s reactions during the book are precisely how I would envision myself responding. (good or bad, lol)

I can picture this.

The bond between Pippa and Lily was truly heartwarming. Where did the idea for this come from? What do you hope readers would take away from this relationship?

Well, I’ve always loved elephants. I mean, growing up with them practically in my backyard, helped. I wanted people to see the correlation between human and animal. That both are precious and deserve to be treasured and cared for.

So very true ❤

Overall what do you hope readers will take away from this novel?

Really that they are seen. First and foremost. This is a world that tends to cancel people out instead of hold them within our grasp and show grace. But that grace—that hope—is there, and our Creator never lost sight of us.

There aren’t even words for how much I love this response ❤ ❤ ❤

This book releases September 1, 2020. For additional information, please check out the following links:
Jaime Jo Wright's website:
Jaime Jo Wright's Facebook page:
My full 4-star review:
The Becca Files full blog post:

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Book Recommendation - The Shepherd's Wife


Angela Hunt is a name I have long trusted in Christian fiction and she writes various sub-genres within that genre, namely women's fiction and Biblical historical fiction. Her Biblical historical have been among my favorites in that genre. The Shepherd's Wife is book 2 in the Jerusalem Road series and runs in the same timeline as book 1, which is a bit unique in that the books don't build on each other, picking up where the previous one left off. I'll be interested in seeing how the rest of this series plays out! This book is from the perspective of the earthly sisters of Jesus (daughters of Mary and Joseph) and gave a very interesting perspective! 

Here's the synopsis:

 Yeshua of Nazareth has two sisters: Damaris, married to a wealthy merchant’s son, and Pheodora, wife of a simple shepherd from Bethlehem. When Pheodora’s husband suffers an unexpected reversal of fortune, she returns to Nazareth, where she pins her hope on two she-goats who should give birth to spotless white kids that would be perfect for the upcoming Yom Kippur sacrifice.

In the eighteen months between the kids’ birth and the opportunity to sell them and redeem her husband, Pheodora must call on her wits, her family, and her God in order to provide for her daughters and survive. But when every prayer and ritual she knows is about God’s care for Israel, how can she trust that God will hear and help a lowly shepherd’s wife?

This book releases October 6, 2020. For more information, check out the following links:

Angela Hunt's website:
Angela Hunt's facebook page:
My full 4 star review:

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Book Recommendation - A Portrait of Loyalty


For historical romance, Roseanna M. White is one of my go-to authors. This is because of her well fleshed-out characters who you can absolutely relate to (even the villains, most times), as well as the story-line, which always  includes some adventure and mystery, and a solid faith thread. As I don't enjoy romance quite as much, I love it when the romance also includes these elements. And when it teaches me some history in the process, even better! A Portrait of Loyalty is book 3 in her Codebreakers series, which follows cryptographers in WWI employed by the British Admiralty. This book can be read on its own as the story itself stands alone, but if you're reading all 3, I'd recommend reading them in order. This book is absolutely superb with strong characters, a fantastic story and a sweet romance to top it all off. Timing-wise, this one is coming out at a great time as the politicking due to the current events in 1918 in this book feel eerily similar to current events today. I actually reached out to Ms. White about it and she advised that the re-writes/edits of this book were completed in November 2019, so it was purely coincidence that things sounded a lot like 2020. 

Here's a blurb about the book:

Zivon Marin was one of Russia’s top cryptographers, until the October Revolution tore apart his world. Forced to flee after speaking out against Lenin and separated from his brother along the way, he arrives in England driven by a growing anger and determined to offer his services to the Brits.

Lily Blackwell sees the world best through the lens of a camera–and possesses unsurpassed skill when it comes to retouching and recreating photographs. With her father’s connections in propaganda, she’s recruited to the intelligence division, even though her mother would disapprove.

After Captain Blackwell invites Zivon to dinner one evening, a friendship blooms between him and Lily. He sees patterns in what she deems chaos; she sees beauty in a world he thought destroyed. But both have secrets they’re unwilling to share. When her photographs reveal that someone has been following Zivon, his loyalties are called into question–and his enemies are discovered to be far closer than he’d feared.  

This book releases September 8, 2020, though she is currently offering sneak peak pages to her newsletter subscribers. Check out her website to sign up! For additional information, please see some links below:
Roseanna M. White's webpage:
Roseanna M. White's facebook page:

Book Recommendation - Uneasy Street

  Becky Wade is one of the many fantastic contemporary romance authors in the Christian fiction community. Her current series, Sons of Scand...