Friday, February 14, 2020

How laundry relates to Sanctification

In our house, Thursday nights are cleaning and laundry nights. That way, we can start the weekend with a clean slate (or house in this instance). Last night, as per usual, I started a load of laundry shortly after getting home from work and then set about my chores. When cleaning was done,  I started working on dinner and while I was waiting for water to boil, I pulled out the checkbook and started paying bills. About this point, I realize I don't hear the washer anymore, so once I pour in my pasta and turn down the burner, I go to check on it since the goal is always to get 2 loads done on a Thursday. As I'm moving clothes from the washer to the dryer, I notice the washtub is still half full. Frustrated because I don't want to stick my hand in the icky water and then have to finish fixing dinner but realizing I have to so I can get the 2nd load of laundry started, I pull out the crumb cup strainer (thanks to Kent for looking up what that was called - basically the little thing in the drain that keeps the big pieces from going down the drain, but still lets the water through) and clear that out, I see that while some of the water has gone down, not all of it has. So, I stick my hand in further and clear out a bit more "gunk" than I wanted to touch that evening until the sink clears and then contact a friend about snaking the drain. Ugh. Just what I needed. After washing my hands 4-5 times, I finished fixing dinner and paying bills and went about my evening.

As I was laying in bed last night, thinking about the gunky drain and the need to clear it out, the Lover of my Soul spoke to me and said "that's what I need to do with you". See, a long time ago, I invited Jesus into my heart and asked Him to save me from my sins. Since that time, I've plugged the drain in my own life with my own crumb cup strainer - I attend church every Sunday. Read my Bible and devotions daily. Pray regularly, including before every meal. Only listen to Christian music and only read Christian books. But in the end, that's not enough. There's a little bit of gunk from being out in this world that still skims past that little strainer I've got and clogs my drain. And I need to get it completely cleaned out. So as I'm heading towards sleep, my heart cries out to the God who knows me better than I know myself, asking Him to clean out all the gunk that's found its way in. And you know what? He did it!

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