Sunday, April 25, 2021

Book Recommendation - Jewel of the Nile


One of my go-to authors for Biblical Historical fiction is Tessa Afshar. I didn't think I would ever love a book of hers more than Bread of Angels, but I was wrong. Jewel of the Nile has taken its place and has also taken the seat of "best read of 2021" - at least to date (and I'm pretty sure it will take a LOT to unseat it from that position). This book was exactly what I needed at the time that I read it. I loved the characters, the story line, the spiritual message and the emotional healing that took place in this book. It was a beautiful story of the love of Jesus. 

The author had intended for this novel to be about the daughters of the apostle Philip, but when she received a letter from an African-American reader asking if any of her heroines would ever look like her, Ms. Afshar took a different take. Philip's daughters are still in the book as friends of Chariline, but the heroine herself is half Roman/half Cushite, giving her a unique skin tone of Biblical fiction heroines. Chariline was a delightful heroine and I loved learning more about the culture of ancient Cush. The author's notes in the back of the book were also helpful in that regard.

Here's a bit about the book:

Whispered secrets about her parents’ past take on new urgency for Chariline as she pays one last visit to the land of her forefathers, the ancient kingdom of Cush.

Raised as an orphan by her aunt, Chariline has only been told a few pieces of her parents’ tragic love story. Her beautiful dark skin is proof that her father was Cushite, but she knows nothing else.

While visiting her grandfather before his retirement as the Roman official in the queen’s court, Chariline overhears that her father is still alive, and discovering his identity becomes her obsession. Both her grandfather and the queen have reasons for keeping this secret, however, and forbid her quest. So when her only clues lead to Rome, Chariline sneaks on the ship of a merchant trusted by friends.

Theo is shocked to discover a stowaway on board his vessel and determines to be rid of her as soon as possible. But drawn in by Chariline’s story, he feels honor-bound to see her safely to shore, especially when it appears someone may be willing to kill for the truth she seeks.

In this transformative tale of historical fiction, bestselling author Tessa Afshar brings to life the kingdom of Cush and the Roman Empire, introducing readers to a fascinating world filled with gripping adventure, touching romance, and a host of lovable characters—including some they may recognize from the biblical book of Acts.

This book releases June 1, 2021 wherever books are sold. For more information, check out the following links:

Tessa Afshar's website:

Tessa Afshar's Facebook page:

My full 5-star review:

RSVP to the online launch party:

Friday, April 23, 2021

Book Recommendation - Power Play

Rachel Dylan is well known for her legal thrillers and romantic suspense novels. Her latest series follows 3 best friends who'd attended law school together and ended up in various parts of the government. Power Play is book 3, and follows Vivian Steele, who is an attorney with the State Department (for more info on the series, see my 9/12/20 post on Backlash, which was book 2 of the series). This book introduces some new characters, brings in visits from old ones, and is chock-full of action, mystery and suspense. There's a solid faith thread, great character development and of course a romance as well. 

Here's a little bit about the book:

When State Department attorney Vivian Steele witnesses two ambassadors collapse as if poisoned at a diplomatic dinner in Washington, DC, she is recruited to be a member of a joint FBI task force assigned to investigate. But she soon finds her by-the-book ways clashing with a special agent in the Diplomatic Security Service, Jacob Cruz. A former Navy SEAL and in charge of the event's security, Jacob takes the attack personally and is driven to act quickly, even ahead of the rules and regulations. 

As Viv starts to work her diplomatic sources, her past as a State Department lawyer comes back to haunt her, and secrets held tightly by the government thrust her into a web of danger. Afraid, Viv turns to the one man bent on protecting others. But can she accept Jacob's reckless ways as exactly what she needs to stay alive and to discover the truth behind the attacks?

 This book releases June 1, 2021, wherever books are sold. This is one I definitely recommend reading! For more information, check out the following links:

Author's website:

Author's facebook page:

My full 4-star review:

Monday, April 5, 2021

Book Recommendation - All That Really Matters


Nicole Deese is well known for her fun contemporary romances with lovable quirky characters and belly-laugh inducing humor along with the serious issues and spiritual depth. In her upcoming novel, All That Really Matters, Molly is a social influencer who, in the quest of obtaining more followers, volunteers at an organization that houses kids who have aged out of foster care. Through this volunteer work, Molly's whole outlook is turned on its head and she has to come to terms with how to move forward. I really loved Molly's character development throughout the novel and enjoyed her character as well as that of Silas and several of the "kids". There were several twists at the end as well, which kept things interesting!

As a part of the author's launch team, I had access to get some questions answered. Here's how that went!

1. Did you have a favorite character or one you related to best? If so, who and why?

I loved writing Molly’s spunk, tenacity, and confidence. Though her day-to-day drama and antics were super fun to create, her growth and maturity as she began to explore the true power of connection was one of the most satisfying character arcs I’ve written to date. 

2. What was your inspiration for the story?

The inspiration behind this story was birthed from a single dinner conversation in early 2019. I’d been invited to serve with some ladies from my home church at a graduation ceremony for a similar type of faith-based, life-skills program for young adults transitioning into independent living. When it was time to sit down and eat, my name card had been mistakenly moved. And little did I know then, but I’d been placed right next to the director of the entire program. As our conversation progressed through the evening, I asked question after question, listening intently as she shared testimonials of growth and triumph, and also stories of heartbreak and despair. By the time I left that night, I knew this was the type of environment I wanted my characters to grow in. I spent the next several weeks making phone calls to experts in this field, reading books and articles on teen trauma, and researching everything I find online.

3. Did anything surprise you in the plot as you were writing?

Several things surprised me, actually. But probably the most surprising was Silas. I wasn’t sure who he was going to be when I first started writing from his point of view and then BAM! He was there and his presence was easily detectable after that. I’ve never written from a male POV like his before, but I really came to appreciate his character and integrity throughout the novel. And I think he ended up being a perfect hero for Molly :) 

4. Foster care is something that is near and dear to my heart. I volunteer as a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) to speak up for those who are in care. What prompted you to write about these most vulnerable ones?

Ever since we adopted our daughter, Lucy, from overseas four years ago, we’ve attended many conferences and classes, as well as read many a book on kids who have come from hard places. The trauma these children have faced has been close to my heart for many years and we have witnessed a few close friends who have taken in teenagers from broken homes. After sitting at that dinner eighteen months ago, the story of these teens came together in my mind pretty easily and I knew I wanted to highlight this vulnerable people group as best as I could inside this story. 

5. What are you hoping readers will glean from this story?

Within the pages of this story, Molly is challenged time and time again to reach out, even when it’s difficult. Even when it requires her to be known and vulnerable outside the online persona and screens she can so easily hide behind. My hope is that as my readers travel through the pages of this story, they will begin to ask themselves similar questions to the ones she asks of herself: Am I truly known by a safe group of people? Who are the in-person relationships God has placed in my life for the purpose of living and growing in the community? Where might God be asking me to give of my time to better serve my local church or community? 

6. Any fun bits of trivia you want to share with my readers about this book?

I actually really enjoy playing with beauty products, so I have watched many a how-to-video on all sorts of makeup-related things. Writing that part of Molly came quite easily for me! I had a lot of fun writing as a girly girl who loves all things sparkly and pink because that is very much who I am! Haha! 

7. What is coming next and when can we expect it?

There is a connected story link from this book to my next book… so prepare to see two side characters in All That Really Matters get their own love story in book 2!

I'm so excited for that next book! All That Really Matters will be releasing on April 6, 2021 and available wherever you like to buy books! For more information, check out the following links:

Nicole Deese's website:

Nicole Deese's Facebook page:

My full 5-star review:

Book Recommendation - Uneasy Street

  Becky Wade is one of the many fantastic contemporary romance authors in the Christian fiction community. Her current series, Sons of Scand...