Saturday, May 18, 2019

Book Recommendation - Living Lies

I was recently invited to help launch a debut novel by author Natalie Walters. Since mystery and suspense is my genre of choice, I jumped at the chance to read this one in advance. I mean, just look at that cover! I was absolutely floored that this was a debut novel. It was so well written and had a great deal of depth in the story-line, the characters and emotions. In addition to the mystery/suspense element, there was also a sweet romance.
Normally, I don't like the romance aspect of romantic suspense, but I thoroughly enjoyed Lane and Charlie's story. There was also a strong faith thread throughout that was not at all preachy, but got to the heart of the matter.

One of the things that struck me was the raw reality of the mental health aspect. The heroine struggles with depression and there's another character with PTSD. Their feelings and thoughts were definitely true to life.

Here's the back cover blurb in case you need more to entice you:

In the little town of Walton, Georgia, everybody knows your name--but no one knows your secret. At least that's what Lane Kent is counting on when she returns to her hometown with her five-year-old son. Dangerously depressed after the death of her husband, Lane is looking for hope. What she finds instead is a dead body.

Lane must work with Walton's newest deputy, Charlie Lynch, to uncover the truth behind the murder. But when that truth hits too close to home, she'll have to decide if saving the life of another is worth the cost of revealing her darkest secret.

Debut novelist Natalie Walters pulls you to the edge of your seat on the first page and keeps you there until the last in this riveting story that will have you believing no one is defined by their past.

Being part of the author's launch team meant that I had access to ask a few questions of my own.

1. Do you relate particularly well to any one of the characters in this book? Why or why not?

I feel like there’s a little bit of me in all of the characters so it’s hard to pick one that I relate to most but if I had to pick my favorite (Charlie and Lane not included) it might be a toss-up between Bane and Ducky! But there are little nods in a few of the characters to my grandparents. Ms. Byrdie is named after my grandmother and Pops loosely resembles my paternal grandfather.

2. Where did the idea for the story-line come from?

The story line for Living Lies actually blossomed from one of those murder mystery shows like Dateline or 20/20. There was a murder case that struck as me as so cold my heart immediately wanted to find justice for the victim. I used that emotion as the catalyst to help me plot a murder, an antagonist, and a motive.

3. This book had a very realistic element of mental health. As a person with a hormonal imbalance who has entertained suicidal thoughts during various changes (and someone who sat beside a friend as she threw the pills she was going to take to end her life down the toilet), I totally related to Lane's thinking. It felt personal, especially since you also included a character with severe PTSD. How did you become so intimately acquainted with depression?

Lane’s story started during a time of support for my daughter who was suffering depression and anxiety. Watching her struggle was difficult. I didn’t realize how severe the stigma was surrounding the disease and it broke my heart to learn how many suffer in silence because of that. Writing this story was a way I could open up a conversation in a way that I hope comes across as genuine and authentic.

4. As you were writing, did anything in the story end up surprising you?

Lane’s sister, Meagan. I feel like she epitomizes the façade of perfection…well, perfectly. I didn’t know until I began writing how her story was going to connect with Lane’s but I loved the way that it did.

5. What are you most hoping that readers glean from this book?

I hope more than anything readers will learn a little more about the stigma behind mental health and that conversations will happen. If there are readers who are suffering from mental health I hope they know they are loved and supported.

6. Any other fun facts you'd like to share?
One of my least favorite things to do is name characters and recently it was pointed out that one of the characters (I won’t say due to spoilers) is named very fittingly. It was a happy coincidence, I guess. I’d love for readers to let me know if they catch it!

The town matriarch is named after my grandma, Byrdie Sue. There’s a lot about Ms. Byrdie’s character that remind me of my grandma and I think if my grandma were here she would be pleased to have such a kind, generous character named after her. *There are also several other nods to my grandparents throughout #LivingLies 💕

There’s a scene in Living Lies that I had to be sure could actually happen making me approach a random police officer outside of Kroger’s to get his opinion…this led to a lengthy and helpful conversation that I’m 98.9% sure was really just the police officer’s way of assessing MY potential threat level. 🤣

Cinnamon rolls play a major part in this story and appear in #DeadlyDeceit and #SilentShadows and for the life of me I have no idea how that particular pastry became Lane’s specialty…I must’ve eat one or something when I started writing?? Who knows??

7.Since my copy indicates that this is "Harbored Secrets Book one", I'm assuming there is more to come! Will we see more of Lane and Charlie? Tell me a little about what is next and when we can expect it!

You will see more of Lane and Charlie! Yay! But they will be playing secondary roles as Deputy Ryan Frost and the tenacious reporter, Vivian DeMarco are the leads in Deadly Deceit, book 2 of the Harbored Secrets series. Vivian, unfortunately finds herself back in Walton, and at the center of an investigation into the sudden and unexpected death of her boss. Ryan’s career is set…as long as he keeps a certain reporter from interfering in a case that brings the town of Walton back into the headlines. Deadly Deceit releases November 2019.

I, for one, am looking forward to what comes next! November can't get here soon enough!
Some additional links for more information:
Natalie's website: (or check for her on Facebook under Natalie Walters, Writer) - you won't be sorry - she's hilarious!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Book Recommendation - The Number of Love

Roseanna M. White is well known for her historical fiction that includes adventure, mystery and romance. This one is no different from that. One of the things I love best about historical fiction are the tidbits I learn about history that I never knew before. This book examines the work of the cryptographers in London's infamous Room 40. Margot, the main character, is an exceptionally gifted mathematician and one of the city's top cryptographers, which was highly unusual for a woman. The main male character, Drake, is an intelligence asset who reports to the same command as Margot.

I thoroughly enjoyed not only the story-line, but the character of Margot, who sees the world in mathematical equations and trusts in God because "He is the only one that she knows for a fact is smarter than she is". I loved how Drake responded to who she is in how he pursued her and I loved that God spoke to Margot in numbers. This book touched on the true measure of love as well as how personal God is in how He communicates in addition to telling a stellar story and bringing WWI history to life.

Here's the back cover blurb:

Three years into the Great War, England’s greatest asset is their intelligence network—field agents risking their lives to gather information, and codebreakers able to crack every German telegram. Margot De Wilde thrives in the environment of the secretive Room 40, where she spends her days deciphering intercepted messages. But when her world is turned upside down by an unexpected loss, for the first time in her life numbers aren’t enough.
Drake Elton returns wounded from the field, followed by an enemy that just won’t give up. He’s smitten quickly by the too-intelligent Margot, but how to convince a girl who lives entirely in her mind that sometimes life’s answers lie in the heart?
Amidst biological warfare, encrypted letters, and a German spy who wants to destroy not just them, but others they love, Margot and Drake will have to work together to save them all from the very secrets that brought them together.

Additional information:
Author's website:
My Full review:

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Book Recommendation - Sweet On You

Sweet On You is the last book in the Bradford Sisters series and follows the story of the youngest sister, Britt Bradford. While romance has never been my genre of choice, and I especially shy away from contemporary romance, Becky Wade has won me over with her witty characters, fun writing style and in-depth story lines that go beyond just the romance story. The romance portion is believable as well, and not at all eye-roll-worthy as many romance books are (to me, at least). While I didn't enjoy Britt's story as well as her other sisters, I think it's because Britt's severe independence reminded me of myself and I didn't like what I saw there. Characters that share a negative quality with you always turn you off just a little, but are often the mirror you need to see.

Here's the back cover blurb for anyone who is interested:

Britt Bradford and Zander Ford have been the best of friends since they met thirteen years ago. Unbeknownst to Britt, Zander has been in love with her for just as long.
Independent and adventurous Britt channels her talent into creating chocolates at her hometown shop. Zander is a bestselling author who’s spent the past eighteen months traveling the world. He’s achieved a great deal but still lacks the only thing that ever truly mattered to him–Britt’s heart.
When Zander’s uncle dies of mysterious causes, he returns to Merryweather, Washington, to investigate, and Britt is immediately there to help. Although this throws them into close proximity, both understand that an attempt at romance could jeopardize their once-in-a-lifetime friendship. But while Britt is determined to resist any change in their relationship, Zander finds it increasingly difficult to keep his feelings hidden.
As they work together to uncover his uncle’s tangled past, will the truth of what lies between them also, finally, come to light?
Still unsure? Here's a link to read an excerpt:
For more information about the author and her books, check out her webpage:
For my full review of Sweet On You: 

Book Recommendation - Uneasy Street

  Becky Wade is one of the many fantastic contemporary romance authors in the Christian fiction community. Her current series, Sons of Scand...